How To Prevent Dry Mouth?

Dry Mouth Treatment

Do You Have Dry Mouth?  If yes, you have the valuable information about the dry mouth such as how to control dry mouth and causes of dry mouth etc. Dry mouth is that uncomfortable feeling you get when you're not generating enough saliva to meet your needs. Your mouth can taste and digest what you eat and drink with saliva only. When your mouth fails to produce enough saliva, you will find yourself with more problems than just being thirsty. Usually, it may occur due to side effects of medicines. You can treat it with self-healing methods and go for medical treatment if it is a savior.  For complete oral care treatments, Dhruthi Clinics is the famous dental Hospital in Guntur which offers the best medication in the quick possible way.

There are many causes of dry mouth which is most commonly occurred as a side effect of medications. Due to the usage of high dosage of drugs and medicines, the saliva production may be reduced in the mouth. Over 400 medications are there that can cause the dry mouth. Sometimes the dry mouth goes away, but usually, it continues as long as the medication is being used. The following are common causes to occur dry mouth.
  • Dehydration
  •  Radiation treatments to treat cancerous tumors of the head and neck
  •  salivary gland diseases
  • removal of salivary glands
  •  diabetes
  • smoking
  • using chewing tobacco
  • hormonal imbalances
  • sinusitis & mouth breathing,
  • sleep apnea
  • hypothyroidism etc.


If the Dry mouth occurs as a result of dehydration the drinking more water is the best remedy to get rid of it.  Dr. Lakshmi who is the best dental doctor in Guntur and worked in Dhruthi Clinics suggest that men drink 3 liters and women to drink 2.2 liters of water throughout the day.

Most of the mouthwashes made with alcohol, which is causes abrasive sensation you feel in your mouth while taking these products. For avoiding your dry mouth, it’s better to use an alcohol-free mouthwash, so that you can fight germs without creating the environment they live in.

Sucking on sugar-free candies or mints can regulate salivary flow in the mouth and temporarily relieving from dry mouth. It's important to specifically choose sugar-free products because sugar contributes to the development of tooth decay.

These are simple tips to follow to avoid the Dry mouth. Even you are not getting any results after following these remedies then it’s better to consult Best Dental Doctor in Guntur to start treatment for Dry Mouth. Dhruthi clinics are one the best dental hospitals in Guntur offers a good medical care for dry mouth.

  • Treatment for dry mouth depends on what is causing the problem. Generally, treatment of a dry mouth focuses on three areas.
  • Managing underlying medical conditions causing the dry mouth

Dry mouth is considering as a common side effect if it caused by something like medication, drugs used to treat depression, allergies, anxiety, pain, urinary incontinence. If so, consult the best dentist in Guntur for making a change in medicines i.e. trying a different medication or adjusting dosage.
If the dry mouth causes due to an underlying medical condition such as salivary gland damage and radiation treatment for cancers, then it cannot be changed. In this situation, a good dental doctor focus on ways to increase saliva.

Not only saliva helps to digest food but also it possible for you to chew and swallow. Tooth decay and gum disease are more likely occurs without saliva. If you have a dry mouth, to combat tooth decay and gum disease, you need to be extra careful.

In addition to these, brushing your teeth at least twice a day is even more preferably after every meal and before bedtime to get rid of tooth and mouth diseases. Visiting the best dental clinics in Guntur for a check-up and cleaning at least twice a year. The Best dentist may recommend the daily use of a fluoride rinse or fluoride gel to keep your teeth healthy.


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